Newsletter - May 24th
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 9:25 PM

Hi Families,

Here's a reminder of upcoming events for our class.
Room 238 Puppet Show - Friday, May 30th in our room.
There will be two show times - 9:30 and 2:30. You can choose the time that works best for your schedule. Siblings and grandparents are welcome to attend. For the past 2 weeks the kids have been busy writing the plays and making their puppets. Many thanks to our puppet making volunteers. The puppets are adorable! Our theme for the plays are based on pourquoi style stories about pollinators that the kids wrote. These stories explain why the pollinator is the way it is - for example, Why fruit bats like fruit, or why butterflies have colorful wings. The puppet show will be short. It usually only lasts about 35 minutes. We hope you can come to this special event!
First Grade Family Picnic - Tuesday, June 3rd from 5:00 - 7:00 at Beard's Plaisance, 45th and Upton.  
Next week our team will be sending home a note with all of the details. We hope your family will be able to attend. It is always a lot of fun to get everyone together!
Field Trip to Elm Creek Park - Thursday, June 5th from 9:30 - 1:00.
Thanks for returning all of the permission slips. All students replied that they would be bringing a lunch from home. Next week I will be sending you a link to sign up for snacks we need for the trip. This is optional.
Other News
We had a special visitor from The University of Min. Bee Lab. Jenny, a friend of Maia's family, came to our class on Thurs. Her lesson focused on honeybees. She had wonderful pictures and information for the kids. She showed them beekeeping tools and a demonstration hive with live bees enclosed! The whole lesson was incredible and we all learned a lot. I was especially impressed with the kids - I wish you could have heard the questions and comments that they shared. They are deep thinkers and great scientists. I was very proud of them! Next week watch for honey sticks coming home as part of a honey taste test that Ms. May and I are planning for your families. Sticky but fun!
The Red Cross Safety Mobile will be coming for the last time on Wed. This time the theme is Water Safety. I really appreciate this free service that provides such valuable safety information for the kids.
We will be planting our pollinator garden the last week of school. This is part of the grant that I received from the U of M. It will be located just outside the lunchroom doors. I'm going to start prepping the soil next week - without the kids help. There are irrigation hoses that I have to dig around. Ms. May and Mr. Knaus are part of this, too. If you love to dig and you have some spare time after school next week, let me know. Thanks! The kids will be putting in the plants the next week and learning about the types of plants and why they are important to pollinators. I will send home a plant list for you to see.
Have a great weekend!