Art Adventure

Art Adventure

Sponsored by the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Mia), Art Adventure introduces students to works of art from a variety of cultures. Volunteering for the Art Adventure program at Burroughs includes visiting Mia to learn about six (6) pieces of art and then discussing the pieces with our students in their art classes, using reproductions and other props. 

The time commitment for volunteers is:

  • September/October: Training at Mia (day or evening) 
  • November: Presenting two (2) times in your child’s art class. (If there are enough volunteers in your child's classroom, you may choose to present only once.)* 
  • December: Tour Mia to see the art live (optional for volunteers to attend)*

*Note: Kindergarten classes follow a slightly different schedule—due to shortened attention spans and other classroom projects. You will present to K classes in their classrooms. We limit presentations to 30 minutes. In addition, K classes will tour Mia in January.


Burroughs 2019-20 Theme: American Stories. Check out the pieces in this set.


Presentation times in your child's art class

Most presentations take place in art class. However, 3-4 classes will not have art class during November, so volunteers will work directly with those teachers to find a time that works in their classrooms. 

Plan for 50 minutes total each class (30 minutes for K classes)—for both presentations and projects. Remember to make it fun for you and the kids. Asking lots of questions is an easy, fun way to make this happen.

Some classes have multiple parents interested in helping out.

Required district volunteer form.

All volunteers are required to submit a volunteer form before going into the classroom. If you have not submitted one this year, please do so before your presentation time.

More information on volunteering at Burroughs



Art Adventure at Burroughs is funded by the PTA. We budget one Picture Person training session per class, but many classes have more than one volunteer. If your class has extra volunteers, consider doing a train-the-trainer approach, or sending an additional donation to the PTA on behalf of Art Adventure.

Interested? Questions? Comments? Let us know.


Or talk to one of the Burroughs Art Adventure coordinators:

Michele Peters, Catherine Lipinsky, Tiffany Reis, Lynsey Tjaden or Wendy Jezarian

