Volunteering at Burroughs

“No One Can Do Everything, But Everyone Can Do Something.”

Did you know that there are many Engagement, Enrichment and Fundraising opportunities at Burroughs Community School that need volunteers? We encourage, and need, all families to get involved in their child’s education through volunteering. Additionally, it’s a great way to meet friends and foster community within Burroughs.

If you’d like to learn more about volunteering your time and talents at Burroughs on a PTA committee, please contact PTA Volunteer Coordinator, Erin Albu.

PTA Committees Include:


Visit our Schools

Spring Picnic

5th Grade Advancement Celebration

Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

Campus Landscaping


Traffic & Safety

Classroom Champions

School Picture Day

Fall & Spring Feed our Teachers

Burroughs Bulletin

School Directory

Media Center

Crayon Initiative

Burroughs Families for Equity & Justice

Fall/Spring Walk & Bike to School Day

Lost & Found

Hearing & Vision Tests

Kindergarten Registration Packets and Event

Kindergarten Family Summer Playdates

Kindergarten Welcome & Teacher Appreciation Chalk



Art Adventure


Before and After School Programs

Chess Club

Destination Imagination

Lego Robotics



EZ Bucks/Dining for Dollars


Scholastic Book Fair (Fall and Spring)

Book Fair Cafe

Fall For Burroughs Auction


Coke Caps



Lunchroom Volunteer Opportunities:

We always welcome lunchroom volunteers! Lots of volunteers are needed to help students open lunches, pass out forgotten utensils or napkins, as well as help them sort their trash and recyclables. You can sign up to help out when it works for you - there is no specific time commitment.

Sign up on this Google docs link. Lunch starts at 11:00 a.m. and ends at 1:05 p.m. each day. Contact Stacy Thoma if you have any questions.

Media Center Volunteer Opportunities:

We are in dire need of daily volunteers to reshelve books!!  About 150-200 books get returned to the media center every day, and with about 1 hour of volunteering, you can help those books get back to their shelves.  Ideally, we would like to have 2 volunteers every school day, but you can choose the time of day that works best for you to volunteer between the hours of 9:10 AM and 3:30 PM.  If you are interested in this quiet and flexible opportunity, please email Michelle Hines to arrange a brief training.  Once you have attended the training, please sign up here so we can try to get coverage every school day.  Thank you for your help!

Classroom Volunteers:

Classroom volunteer needs are coordinated by individual teachers. Please see your child’s teacher for details on their classroom’s needs. 

Volunteer Form & Policy:

Classroom Tutors, Lunchroom, Bravo, and Art Adventure Volunteers must complete our volunteer form and read the MPS Volunteer policies and procedures each school year. Please complete the form and turn into the office on an annual basis.

Classroom field trip chaperones, special event and special project volunteers do not need to complete a volunteer form.

Overnight trip chaperones require the form, reading the MPS Volunteer policies and procedures, and background check ($5.00 processing fee must be included). Please see Maggie Nelon in the office for more information.


