Burroughs Mindfulness Program Overview


1.  Mindful Body (sit tall and proud, be still)

          and Mindful Listening (focus on sound of bell,

          focus on sounds around you)

2.  Mindful Breathing – 3 ways to notice your breath

          (belly, chest, in front of nose)

3.  Anchor Spot – mind wanders, gently bring it back

          to the breath (anchor spot)

4.  Heartfulness – sending kind thoughts to self/others

          (“May I be healthy…may I be peaceful…”)

5.  Body Scan – mindful “check in” from head to toe

          (short to re-focus or longer to calm and relax)

6.  Emotions – noticing emotions in our body and

          learning to create space (breathe) before reacting

7.  Gratitude – focusing on the positive; training our

          brains to notice the good and be thankful

8.  Generosity – willingness to give time, help, etc.

          (giving things that don’t cost money)

9.  My Brain – Guard Dog (Amygdala); Wise Old Owl

          (Prefrontal Cortex). Sometimes our Guard Dog

          barks when we are not in danger. Mindfulness can

          calm our Guard Dog down so our Wise Old Owl can

          make good choices.

10.  Mindfulness “Tool Box”. We can use mindfulness

          to “fix” things – allowing space for a more

          thoughtful response. And we can use it to “create”

          more focus and calm in school and at home.




