Vision: The Burroughs Families for Equity and Justice (FEJ) is committed to maintaining a school community and culture that respects, values, and includes all individuals.

Mission: To be a resource and exemplar for ensuring all families feel empowered, have a sense of belonging, and have every opportunity to succeed.

Objectives: Through the specific committees, (Classroom Champions, literacy and book tree, community outreach, school pipeline, education and advocacy, policy and procedure) FEJ aims to connect people and build community.

Activities: During the school year, the group plans activities in six key areas:

  • Organizing and supporting Classroom Champions for each grade level to ensure there are no-cost ways for parents to connect and students to deepen relationships outside of school. Contact Kelsey Starrs with questions. 
  • Ensuring diverse books are part of all classrooms and the school library, through efforts such as the Book Tree and PTA auction funds for classroom libraries. Contact Elizabeth Odette with questions.
  • Creating opportunities for community service projects that involve students from across all grade levels. To find the latest FEJ community service event, click here. Contact Margaret Gordon with questions.
  • Connecting to other pipeline schools and collaborating with Justice Page and Washburn. Seeking volunteer parent(s) to be lead contact.
  • Raising awareness around issues of equity and inclusion, including hosting events that focus on how to talk to our kids about race and how to plan for diversity in the classroom. Contact Jen Aspengren with questions.
  • Working toward strong communication policies that ensure all families feel aware of and included in school activities, including translating all materials into relevant languages. Contact Rich Lee with questions.

These activities are open to all families and Burroughs teachers/staff. Events are free of charge and take place after school hours. When necessary, child care will be provided with support from the PTA. The Burroughs FEJ works in partnership with the PTA and Burroughs administration and teachers. For more information, please email us.


