Classroom Placement FAQs

What is the overall goal of the classroom placement process?

Burroughs believes that it is in the best interest of all children to have balanced classrooms throughout each grade.  To further that goal, the overall classroom makeup is considered, including the primary factors of gender, ethnicity, academic achievement levels, maturity and behavioral levels, and special needs students.

Who is involved in the decision-making process?

The team of decision-makers involved in this important process includes all of the students’ current teachers for a grade level, the Social Worker and the Principal. The Staff Specialists also review the class groupings and may make additional recommendations for class placement.

May parents request a specific teacher assignment for their child?

No.  There are far too many, and interrelated, factors to be considered when constructing a classroom as a whole to be able to accommodate specific teacher assignment requests.

How is the decision to use combined-grade classrooms made?

This decision is made at the school district level, based upon the number of students projected for the following year.  If there are not enough students at a particular grade level, then a combined-grade classroom may have to be created with the next closest grade.  In this situation, the classroom assignment team attempts to match students for the combined-grade classroom, considering academic abilities and the students’ independence level, in addition to all of the usual placement factors.

When will families be notified of classroom assignments for the upcoming year?

Notice of classroom assignments will usually be sent out, via U.S. mail, during the third week of August.

Is there a process for discussing possible changes in the classroom assignment for my child?

Note that historically our classrooms are completely full and room assignments will not be changed. Absent a showing of extraordinary circumstances, initial classroom assignments will remain in place. 

