Burroughs Silent Auction

You are going out anyway, so get a sitter and come to the 12th Annual Fall for Burroughs Silent Auction. Spend time with friends, meet new friends and support Burroughs.

Friday, November 8th at 7pm at the American Swedish Institute.  2600 Park Avenue.

Join Burroughs parents, teachers and staff for a night of food, drinks, fun music, and an exciting array of silent and live auction items.

Every dollar raised benefits The Burroughs Fund.

The fund’s mission is to preserve quality programs for current Burroughs Community School students and provide a reserve fund for future Burroughs Community School needs.  Our goal this year is $90,000.

The auction provides direct support to the Burroughs school budget in ways that impact all Burroughs students.

  • It enables the school to use district funds for crucial staff positions, such as a full-time school nurse.
  • The auction funds two teacher emeritus who provide skilled reading and math assistance.
  • At the auction, we hold a live action “Fund-A-Need”. These dollars have gone to specific initiatives each year. We have funded professional development for teachers, classroom libraries, iPads, and Chromebooks.

A strong community builds a strong community school.

There are a number of ways you can help make this event a success:

Attend the Auction — Tickets are $30 each for early birds. Tickets are $35 each after October 20th. Buy your tickets at www.bidpal.net/fallforburroughs2019  

Become a Sponsor — Sponsorships are available at a variety of donation levels to offset the cost of the auction. Sponsorship packages include a select number of tickets to the event and offer an excellent opportunity for a year-end, tax-deductible gift.  Please contact Paige Wittman at paigewittman@outlook.com for more information.

Donate an Auction Item — The majority of the auction items come from YOU, our Burroughs families! We're looking for all donations, big and small. Please contact Rachael Staab at rachael.lehr@gmail.com for more information.

Host a Great Gathering — Great Gatherings are just one of the many items you can purchase at the auction and are huge fundraisers for Burroughs. They are themed parties, intimate dinners, grade-level gatherings or family activities where attendees pay to have fun! The hosts cover the costs and all proceeds go directly to the Burroughs Fund. We are looking for hosts right now! Join forces with friends as co-hosts or go solo.  Get creative or we can inspire you with party ideas. Please contact Wendy Jezarian at BurroughsGreatGatherings@gmail.com for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What should I wear?


This isn’t a gala. People will be wearing jeans, nice shirts, and some will even be wearing dresses. Wear what you want.

I would love to come to the auction, but it seems too expensive. Is there a way for me to come?


Yes. Community involvement comes in many forms. We want you there and have complimentary tickets available. Contact Paige Wittman at paigewittman@outlook.com or Beth Alvarez (Burrough’s Social Worker) at Beth.Alvarez@mpls.k12.mn.us to obtain complimentary tickets.

Can I bring friends that don’t have kids at Burroughs or family members?


Yes, absolutely. We have attendees who bring parents or other family members and friends to the auction. We welcome your friends and family.

What kind of things are usually available through the auction?


Our community really steps up and provides some wonderful things for the auction. There are items at every price point. We have experiences with teachers, great gatherings, trips, gift baskets, services, camps, restaurant, spa and salon certificates. The list goes on and on.

Should I eat dinner before I come?


It’s up to you.  A buffet of heavy appetizers will be served.  Some people choose to have a meal beforehand while others will just graze the buffet all night. There is also a cash bar.

What if I can’t attend but want to bid on items and support the Fund-A-Need?


You’re in luck!  All bidding occurs online.  You can create a BidPal account online and bid remotely.  Any winnings can be picked up at time convenient for you after the auction.

I see there’s a DJ, but I’m not much of dancer. Wondering if I should come?


No worries!  The dance party doesn’t start until the end of the evening’s programming which occurs around 10pm.  You can always take off at that time and call it an early night.

Do I have to bid on items if I come to the auction?


Absolutely not!  All bidding is done online and anonymously via personal smart phones and there is zero pressure to bid on items (although you may find yourself tempted!).

Why SHOULD I come?


It’s a great way to meet new people and be a part of the Burroughs community!
