Dress Code - Site Council approved 11/13/18

All students must be able to dress comfortably for school and engage in their educational environment without fear of discipline or body shaming.  Standards shall be applied uniformly to all students.  Students dress and grooming is the responsibility of the parents and the students, within the following standards:

Students must cover the ABCs – Abdominals, Bottom, and Chest.  Tops must have straps over the shoulders.  Minnesota state law requires shoes be worn in school building at all times.  For safety reasons flip flops or shoes with wheels should not be worn to school.

All non-religious headwear including headwear that may cause classroom distractions, must be removed while in the school building.

Students shall not wear clothing or accessories that may cause classroom distractions or with offensive images or language including:  profanity, hate speech, pornography, alcohol, tobacco/drug use and related paraphernalia, or violence.
