Site Council


The Burroughs Site Council is a group comprised of parents, staff, and an at-large community representative who meet monthly to deal with and give input on issues related to school operation. Site Council members are responsible for representing the interests of all Burroughs students, parents, and staff and as such, serve as a communication link between these various groups.

Join a Site Council Meeting

Site Council meetings are open to the public.  If you wish to secure time on a meeting agenda, please submit a written statement of your concern or issue and what outcome you desire to either of the co-chairs (Site Council Members list).  Requests shall be placed on the agenda by the co-chairs, or referred for discussion by the full Council.  The Site Council may consider a referred request and can allot a time slot on a future agenda to hear from said individual/parties and discuss said issue.

We meet on the last Tuesday of each month from 5:00 to 7:00 PM in the Media Center. Dates can fluctuate; check the Burroughs Calendar to confirm the date.

Site Council Meeting Minutes 2019-20
