Welcome to Room 238

Welcome to Ms. Mooney's first grade classroom! I am looking forward to a fantastic year. It was wonderful to see families at Open House. Check out our webpage to keep updated on all of  the exciting things we are learning about in first grade.

~Ms. Mooney

Contact Info:
Voicemail 688-9568


Volunteering in our Classroom
Parents are welcome to volunteer in our classroom. Sign-up schedules will be sent home every two months. If you are interested in volunteering, sign up for the dates and times that you will be volunteering. Please mark the dates on your home calendar. You can count on coming in on the days you requested. Please return the volunteer calendar to school. More information on volunteering will be presented on Curriculum Night on Sept. 10th from 7:15 - 8:15 in our room. Thanks for your help!

Homework Schedule -

Tuesday and Thursday - Math homework will reflect what your child is studying in class. We will be using two math curriculums - Singapore Math and Investigations.

Monday - A weekly reading log will be sent home. Please help your child keep track of the number of minutes he/she reads each day.

Monday through Thursday - A daily book bag will be sent home with a book of you child's choice to practice at home.

Friday - A bookbag with the the leveled library book that we have been practicing during small group time will be sent home. Please return the bookbag and signed comment sheet by Wednesday.

Thank you for your help and support. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the homework.
