Burroughs School Fund

The mission of the Burroughs School Fund is to preserve quality programs for current Burroughs Community School students and provide a reserve fund for future Burroughs Community School needs.

A group of concerned parents conceived the Burroughs School Fund in 2002 as a way to preserve valued Burroughs programs that were about to be eliminated when the Minneapolis Public Schools faced a revenue shortfall. The Fund was established with Achieve! Minneapolis, a non-profit organization that raises funds and community support for the Minneapolis Public Schools.

The Burroughs School Fund Advisory Board is responsible for the Burroughs School Fund. The Advisory Board consists of volunteers whose sole responsibility is to lead an annual fundraising campaign that solicits contributions from Burroughs families, Burroughs alumni, friends, neighbors, and the Minneapolis community. The Advisory Board reports to the Burroughs Site Council.

Why Contribute to the Fund?

Financial support is essential to Burroughs's success, regardless of how it is received. Within this context, there are three good reasons to make an annual contribution to the Fund:

  • The Fund's annual campaign differs from the PTA's annual fundraisers so as not to compete with them. While PTA's fundraisers have been successful enough to enable PTA membership to elect to make a contribution to the school's budget for the upcoming year, the annual Fund campaign enables Site Council to support both the upcoming year's budget and retain a portion of the money raised in the Fund for future use. The Fund serves as a "savings account" for Burroughs that will enable future Site Council leadership to respond effectively to revenue shortfalls that may threaten valued programs.
  • The Fund is an annual appeal that is intended to be an easy way to contribute to Burroughs. Donors can make their gifts online, or by returning the contribution card enclosed with the appeal letter.
  • The Fund isn't tied to a specific program. The Fund's annual campaign simply asks people to support Burroughs.

How to Contribute

You can contribute to the Burroughs School Fund in these ways:

  • Donate by check payable to Achieve! Minneapolis and indicate Burroughs School Fund in the memo. Send checks to: Burroughs School Fund, Achieve! Minneapolis, 111 3rd Ave S, Suite 5, Minneapolis, MN 55401
  • Make a gift through the United Way by designating your gift to Achieve! Minneapolis - Burroughs School Fund.
  • Make a gift of appreciated stock by following the instructions on the Achieve! Minneapolis Web site or calling Janet at Achieve at 612-455-1530.
  • Ask your employer to match your personal gift by enclosing your company's gift matching form along with your check.