Newsletter - May 5th
Monday, May 12, 2014 11:00 AM

Hi Families,

We have a busy month of May ahead of us!
Tomorrow from 9:20 - 9:50 we will be having our book publishing celebration in our room. Please join us to read the Endangered Animal books and the All About Books from our last writing unit of study. If you are unable to attend, I will send home the books in the red folder at the end of the day.
No Spelling Tests - Because of the MAP testing for the next two weeks, we are finished with all spelling tests. Thank you for your hard work at home! 
Field Trip to the Zoo - May 14th - Please send back permission slips and payment. The cost is $4 per child and an additional $5 if you will be volunteering. Thanks!
Other News
Reading and Writing - Today the kids learned about Pourquoi Stories - stories that explain why something is the way it is. Examples of pourquoi stories are; How the Skunk Got its Stripe, Why the Cardinal is Red, How the Leopard Got its Spots, etc. We will be writing these kind of stories with the focus on pollinators. Today the kids brainstormed a very creative list of titles for pollinator pourquoi stories. We will choose six of these to turn into plays for our upcoming puppet show on May 30th.
Math - This week's focus will be on recognizing and counting coins. We will also be doing a few probability activities.
Science - Last week we had a master gardender visit to teach a lesson on ladybugs. The kids enjoyed learning about the many types of ladybugs and how they act as pollinators. We will be doing an experiment to test our sense of smell and see how bees use their sense of smell to identify flowers. I have several kinds of fragrant flowers for our experiment that we will do tomorrow or Wed. We will also finally make some perfume!
That's it for now!