Levels 1 & 2 - Services Affecting All Students
Level I:  All students have unique interests and learning preference, and they benefit from exposure to possible new interest areas into, through and beyond the core curriculum.  In partnership with support staff, families and the community, teachers modify, adapt and extend the core in response to interests and learning preferences. 
Who:  All students
What: Enrichment of core curriculum and exposure to possible areas of interest
  1. Assessment of interest and learning preferences
  2. Choices of learning activities within the core curriculum which are based on interest and/or learning preference
  3. Other enrichment opportunities like:
  • field trips:Art Adventure, Physics Force, Ordway, Ski Trip, State Capitol, MN Zoo, BizTown
  • service learning: Penny Pals and related giving/service activities
  • guest speakers: varies
  • residencies: poetry by Marie Olafsdotter

When & Where:  Throughout the school day within the classroom

Level II: Many but not all students deepen areas of interest through school-based enrichment opportunities.  Students are encouraged to explore areas that provoke curiosity, thereby discovering unique strengths and talents.
Who:  Any students showing an interest, propensity or achievement in a particular area
What:  School based enrichment providing opportunity to deepen or extend an area of interest or strength
How:  Students choose or are invited to participate in additional enrichment programming such as:
  • Band/orchestra
  • Math Masters: (5th grade Math Competition)
  • Clubs: chess, Lego League, and others generated by students
  • Competitions (spelling bee)
  • Interest projects
  • Enrichment clusters

When & Where:  Before, during and after school
