Miss Kenza's Kindergarten Class


Hello families of Room 146!!

My name is Kenza Sahir and I've been teaching at Burroughs since 2018. I received my undergraduate degree in biology from Luther College in2014 and my teaching license from the University of Minnesota in 2018. Throughout my career, I've been in classrooms in various capacities throughout Minneapolis public schools since 2014.

I believe that young learners learn best through play and active exploration. We will spend much of our time in the classroom actively engaging with curriculum by playing, moving, and creating. Students will practice foundational math and literacy skills through both large and small group activities.

Please remember to send gym shoes with your student on Mondays and Tuesdays!

Contact me at kenza.sahir@mpls.k12.mn.us if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Thank you for sharing your student with me!

-Miss Kenza
