Drop off/Dismissal/Bussing

Our first priority at Burroughs is to keep your children safe.  We have very careful systems in place to make sure your child get to and from school safely!  



If your child is planning on riding the bus to or from Burroughs, you will get the bussing information with pick up and drop off times before the first day of school.  At Meet the Teacher night, they will also get a bus tag which has important bussing information.  Please keep that tag on your child's backpack at all times.  If it gets lost, please request a replacement.  

Support teachers are in the halls to support students (especially kindergarteners) in getting from the bus to the classroom.  At the end of the day, the classroom teacher drops off the student directly to their bus each afternoon.  

Please inform your child's teacher clearly with a written note/email about any bussing changes.


Parent Drop off/Pick Up

At Burroughs, we have a great system in the mornings and afternoons for drop off and pick up.  With over 800 students coming in and out of the building, it is important for the safety of everyone that you know the guidelines. 

            Dropping Off in the morning:

1.    If you are dropping off your child, drive into the circle by the front door. 

2.    Adults do not get out of their car.  Students hop out quickly.

3.    You may not park in the circle at any time.  If you need to come in, find a parking spot and walk in with your child, please


Picking Up Students During the School Day (For an appointment, etc)

1.    Park and come into the office.

2.    Sign out your child.

3.    The office staff will call to the teacher and your child will walk down to meet you in the office.

4.    If your child is returning to school after an appointment, please walk him or her back in and sign her back in to school. 

Picking Up Students After School

1.    Park and walk into the atrium.  Your child will walk through the atrium with his or her teacher.  Please meet your child in the atrium at 3:30pm, and do not go to the classroom.

2.    After 3pm, please do not drive into the Main Entrance Circle.  This area is for busses.

3.    If you are later than 3:40pm, you can meet your child in the school office.  Please be prompt.  Kindergarten classes walk out to the atrium at 3:30pm.

Coming to School Late

1.    If your child arrives later than 9:10am, an adult must walk the child into the main office and sign in on the tardy roster. 

2.    Please be prompt!  We do keep track of late arrivals.


