322   Hulsey  Schedule  2015-2016

09:00—09:10         Arrival

09:00—09:20         Breakfast, Attendance, Academic Choice

09:20—10:15         Specialist Class

10:20—11:40         Math

11:45—12:35         Morning Meeting / Language Arts /    

                              Social Studies / Science 

12:40—01:10         Lunch & Recess

01:20—03:25         Language Arts / Social Studies / Science

03:30                     Dismissal

                             Second Step / Grit: Wednesdays

                             Choir 1st Semester: Thursdays 1:35--2:20

                             Friday Fun / Study Hall: Fridays  1:15-1:45


* Schedule and or times subject to change; reasons may include, though are not exclusive to: change in lunch schedule, District mandated assessments such as MAP testing, Surveys, State mandated assessments such as MCA testing, and field trips.


