MPS and Burroughs are committed to supporting the growth of advanced learners over time, emphasizing not only advanced academic achievement, but also the development of critical and creative thinking skills, intellectual traits, leadership, and self-efficacy.  The Advanced Learner Long-Term Learning Targets section of the MPS standards-based report card allows for a specific focus on evaluating these aspects of cognitive and affective development.  The revised versions of the Advanced Learner Long-Term Learning Targets reflect the need for more specific learning targets applicable to grade level bands. ​Advanced Learner Long-Term Learning Targets for grades 1-2 and grades 3-5 have been refined to better reflect developmentally appropriate growth expectations. The following table describes the new Advanced Learner Long-Term Learning Targets for grades 1 and 2 and grades 3 through 5, as well as their relationship for the overarching long-term targets K-12.

K-12 Overarching Learning Targets

Grades 1-2

Grades 3-5

Apply critical and creative thinking to approach and solve complex problems across the disciplines

1.      I can prove my ideas with evidence.

2.     I can make judgments using information

3.     I can adapt, improve, or modify objects or ideas.

1.      I can prove and disprove ideas using evidence from credible sources.

2.     I can apply multiple perspectives to address complex issues and problems.

3.     I can develop criteria to make informed judgments.


Conduct research and inquiry investigations with support

4.     I can use a research process and varied resources to investigate topics of interest.


4.     I can use a research process to investigate topics of interest.

5.     I can locate, categorize, and evaluate ideas and information from varied resources.

Sustain effort toward a level of high standards, expertise and creative production in the disciplines or areas of talent

5.     I can persist through a task when the answer doesn’t come quickly or easily. 

6.     I can use multiple strategies to overcome obstacles that arise in challenging problems or tasks.

Demonstrate personal and social responsibility as a leader and contribute to my school and community

6.     I can participate in a group as both a leader and a contributing member.

7.     I can use technology to collaborate with others.


Set goals, assess progress toward my goals and advocate for myself based on my awareness of my interests, strengths, and learning preferences

7.     I can make choices about what and how I learn.

8.     I can prove with evidence my progress towards learning targets.

9.     I can make learning choices based on my interests and learning preferences.

Demonstrate intellectual traits and scholarly habits.

8.     I can notice and describe multiple perspectives.


10.   I can recognize the limitations of my knowledge and seek new information to continuously develop my understandings.



