Third Grade Language Arts Links

The third grade team teaches Reading and Writing Workshop with Good Habits Great Readers and a variety of other resources.  Below are some online activities that connect to what the students do in class.


The link in the above heading leads to page with many links of leveled reading practice.  Your own fall or winter MAP reading test scores can help you figure out where to begin.


  1. Learning to write a good story summary is one of your important reading skills.  Your summary of a fiction story should quickly describe the setting, the main characters, and the plot.  Usually the plot means the story's problem and solution.
  2. Use Houghton Mifflin's eGlossary to quickly find and hear definitions for all of the vocabulary words from the stories in your big purple hardcover reading book.
  3. Use the eWord game to get more practice with the meanings of your vocabulary words from the stories in your big purple hardcover reading book.  When the tub tips you choose your story and the game will quiz you with the vocabulary from that story.
  4. With the Furious Frogs game practice your speed and skill with antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms.
  5. Here is a great project you can do online to tell others about characters you have come to know well in a good story you have read.  Make character trading cards!  Then print them out and show them off.
  6. An umbrella idea that covers much of what is read in the William and Mary curriculum is the idea of change.  Consider change in Metamorphose, a artwork by M.C. Escher.


  1. Grammar Rocks songs are oldies but goodies for learning parts of speech in English grammar.  Get their lyrics stuck in your head and you will understand what your teachers mean when they talk about nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, subjects, and predicates.  You may even become quite advanced for your age if you also learn about conjunctions, interjections, and busy prepositions.
  2. Try the Word Invasion game for speedy practice with those parts of speech in English grammar.
  3. The Verb Viper game tests how well you can change the forms and endings of verbs.  Verbs are slippery fellows unless you know the present tense, past tense, and past participle.


  1. Put your spelling list into Spelling City and practice your own words with some fun games.
  2. Some of our third grade spellers are ready to play with the SCHWA sound.  What is it the schwa sound?

HANDWRITING.  These links will show the proper forming of letters.

  1. Printing lower case letters
  2. Printing CAPITAL letters
  3. Forming cursive lower case letters
  4. Forming cursive CAPITAL letters

Finally NetTrekker is a great search engine for young reading students because real people review and rate the sites that it references.  Hopefully, there will be less ads and less junk.  Ask Ms. Hennen in Media for the passwords you need to use it.

NEW!!  Here are some more helpful games straight from the BBC website and embedded right here.  Scroll down and play!

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