Joe Janssen - Classroom 203
Mr. Janssen

Welcome to our classroom!  I am excited about the new school year and look forward to getting to know you and your child. 

Provide your e-mail address to receive classroom news in your inbox.

To let you know a little about me; I have been a first and second grade teacher in the Minneapolis School District since 1995.  I am married to Colleen and have two children. My children are Nathan and Meghan.

As your child's teacher, I believe it is important for the children to develop a love of learning.  I hope to do this by creating a positive classroom climate.  This involves everyone doing their job. My job is to know the curriculum and to present it through interesting (hopefully) lessons.  I will also model respectful behavior to all living things.  The students' job is to come to school ready to learn and to do their best.  They will respect and be nice to all living things, including people. 

Parent Involvement
Parents can be involved to the extent they are comfortable.  There are several ways you can contribute to our classroom community through the following volunteer opportunities:  homework, mystery reader, reading tutors, celebration committee.

Class Room Links
Be sure to click on the links to the right to learn more about your child's classroom.

Contact Information
Please feel free to contact me at (612) 668-8750 or
NOTE:  please call the office if your call is regarding busing or pick up changes for that day.  I don't always get to my voice mail or e-mail until after the students have left for the day.

Thanks in advance for your support and cooperation.

Thanks!  Joe Janssen

