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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

This is the page to get answers about attendance, school hours, health issues, lunch, dress code, bus and drop-off policies.

What should I do if my child will be late?
Please call to report a student who will be more than 1 hour late. All late students must report to the main office to sign in and obtain a late pass.
How do I reach my child during the day?
Phone calls to students can be disruptive to the whole classroom. While we discourage students receiving phone calls during the day, we also realize that emergencies do occur. Please call the office at school, and we will take a message to deliver to your child at a less disruptive time.
My child lives in dual households. How do I make sure both families are getting information?
Call the office to request to be put on the 2nd address mailing list. Notify you child’s classroom teacher as well.
My child has allergies. How do I make sure he isn't exposed to certain things that cause a reaction?
Be sure to fill out an annual health form provided at the beginning of each year. The school nurse will be happy to discuss any concerns you have. Please meet with your child’s classroom teacher as well.
My child gets frequent headaches. Can I send aspirin to take during the day?
For safety issues, students are not permitted to carry their own medication. All medication must be locked in the health office. Your child’s doctor must approve all medicine, including over the counter, for use. Call the health office for a form that can be faxed to your doctor.
My child’s room is having a celebration, and I want to bake cookies. Is that OK?
No. Homemade treats are prohibited by the Minnesota Department of Health. All treats, snacks, etc., must be purchased.
My child wants to go home on a different bus with a friend. Is this permitted?
No. Site Council drafted a policy for this in 2004.
My work schedule changed, and my child will need a bus. How do I make arrangements for the bus?
Call the school office to request a school bus change request. If the address is within our busing area, we will send the request to transportation and give you information on the bus number and time.
I want to add money to my child's lunch account and see what s/he has been eating for lunch. How do I do that?

Go to SchoolCafe to get started. You will find information on how to make payments. Go to the MPS Menus site to view the school menus. 

I would like to enroll my child in Minneapolis Kids. How do I do that?
Call the office number for Minneapolis Kids (612) 668-3890.
I need to pick my child up early. How do I arrange that?
All families must sign their child out. When you arrive at the office, just let us know who you are picking up and we will call him/her to the office to meet you.
My child called me from school, but didn't leave a message. How do I know s/he is not sick?
Please encourage your child to leave a message. With having caller ID, we get several calls each day from parents wondering why their child called. In general, if it was important, a message will be left. If your child is sick, the nurse will make every effort to notify you if s/he needs to be picked up.
What time do they start serving breakfast at school each morning?
Right away. Students enter the school and go through the breakfast line in the lunchroom.
When picking my child up after school, should I go to the classroom or wait in the atrium?
Please wait in the atrium. Teachers pass through the atrium with the students and release them to you on the way out to busses.
What if my child forgets his/her lunch ID#?
The lunch manager keeps a list of all numbers and will help your child.
What type of clothing is prohibited at school?
No bare midriffs, strappy tank tops or short shorts. No droopy or sagging pants. No tee-shirts with violence, alcohol or tobacco products. Students are not to wear hats or bandanas in school.
What are the rules regarding the drop off circle?
Students should not be dropped off before 8:30 a.m. The circle is a drop off only area before school. Parents should not park in the circle or get out to come in the building. Please just drop your child off and pull away so the line of traffic can keep moving.
What are the different ways the school will communicate with me?
Please read the weekly ‘Burroughs Bulletin’ and classroom newsletters. Use this Web site or check the electronic bulletin board in the atrium. The PTA also sends out weekly E-News as well as special notices via e-mail.
What is the winter clothing requirement in order to go outside for recess?
Students need a hat, gloves or mittens, a winter coat that closes and winter boots. Without these items, students will remain in the lunchroom. Scarves and snow pants are optional.
When do I need to sign in at the office?
All visitors must sign in at the office upon arrival and wear a visitor nametag.
How many parent/teacher conferences and report cards are there during the school?
Teachers meet formally with parents in the early fall as well as a winter conference. Conferences are not considered optional. Our goal is 100% parent attendance.

Report cards come home winter, spring and the last day of school.

What are the teacher hours?
8:15 am - 4:00 pm
What are the student hours?

Grades K-5     9:10 am - 3:40 pm

What are the hours for the Main Office?
8:00 - 4:00 pm
Who do I call to report an absence?
Even if you have notified your child's teacher, you must also call to report the absence.  Attendance Line: (612) 668-3288.