Welcome to Ms. Blossey's Classroom Website - Room 353
Ms. Blossey, 3rd Grade

Hello, my name is Ms. Blossey.  I have been teaching in Minneapolis since 1990; all but two years here at Burroughs.  I graduated from St. Cloud State University with degrees in Elementary Education, Special Education and Coaching.  I have since added a Masters Degree from St. Mary's University.

After teaching fourth grade for ten years, I have enjoyed returning to third grade.  I previously taught third grade for ten years before I began teaching fourth grade in 2005.  I love to teach and always look forward to the fall and meeting my new group of students. Each new year brings new memories, new challenges and a chance to get to know another great group of kids and their parents.

Besides my love for teaching, I enjoy most sports and being outdoors.  I enjoy playing hockey the most.  Currently, I play for a women's team called Synergy.  Feel free to come cheer us on.

If you need to contact me, email works best.  My email address is: julie.blossey@mpls.k12.mn.us  Or, you can try to reach me by phone at:  (612) 668-7337.

Also, if your child is in my 2019-2020 class, please email me so I can have your email address in my address book. 



