Volunteer Coordinator: Erin Albu
Tuesday, August 6, 2019 8:00 AM

Erin Albu
Erin Albu

Hi! My name is Erin Albu, and I am the Volunteer Coordinator for Burroughs. I have a 4th-grade daughter and a 1st-grade son. I have volunteered in many different areas at Burroughs from classroom to lunchroom, Fall for Burroughs Auction to Book Fair, P.E. special events to field trips, Art Adventures and more! I think there is a special place for everyone to devote their time and talents to Burroughs, and this is one of the things that makes our school so amazing. I look forward to helping other parents and family members discover where they can best serve our students. Please reach out to me with any questions and interests...there are so many different ways to get involved at Burroughs!

For ways to get involved or for volunteer-related questions, please contact me at burroughsmn.pta@gmail.com.
