Site Council Minutes - October 28, 2014

Site Council Meeting Minutes

October 28, 2014

5 to 7pm

The Site Council welcomed Bret Nielsen (Community Representative).

Kelly Robbert, Amy Hasbargen, Joe Eskola, Dena Anderson, and Rachel Gustin provided an update on the 10/22 Area C meeting.  The Area C meeting focused on:

  • The proposed levy for Area C (where the $$ would be used)
  • Classroom sizes & enrollment

Kelly Robbert had a brief discussion with Courtney Kiernat, Representative from MPS about minimalschool funding.  She offered to attend a future Burroughs’ Site Council meeting and provide an overview of the process.  She would answer questions and listen to concerns.

The new Site Council Bylaws were briefly reviewed.  The revised document has more detailed guidelines than the current version.  The new Site Council Bylaws are primarily designed for schools lacking a site council.  Burroughs already has very detailed guidelines in place.

Tim Cadotte informed the group that Burroughs will host “Soup with the Supe” on 12/2/2014.

Tim Cadotte reviewed the “School Improvement Plan” presentation.  The presentation highlighted school programs, student test results, improvement goals, and key challenges (lack of funding).  Here is a link to the “School Improvement Plan” presentation.

Student report cards have a new format.  If the format seems overly confusing or difficult to understand, send comments to

Regina Folken and Jocelyn Frank gave an update on the “Fall for Burroughs” event.  The Site Council agreed to volunteer for the event.  Here is a link to the Google sign-up document.  Regina and Jocelyn also asked if there was a decision on the “Fund a Need” item(s).  Tim Cadotte received feedback from Burroughs team (K-5 represented).  The response/request was for IPads.  The ideal number would be five per room (total cost = $49,000).

Two key topics for the next Site Council meeting (scheduled 11/18/2014) are:

  • Revisit the results of the surveys we did last year (teacher and parent) - Joe Eskola
  • Decide key outcomes (as a Site Council) that we want to focus on for 2014-15 - All
