Site Council Minutes - March 24, 2015

Site Council Meeting Minutes

March 24, 2015

5 to 7pm


Tim Cadotte reviewed the preliminary 2015-2016 Burroughs budget.  No major changes from the current year budget.  The budget will be finalized soon. 


Kelly Robbert, Dave Keepper, and Amy Hasbargen discussed the progress on collaboration with other Area C Site Council chairs and PTA representatives.

·         Meeting held on 3/23/2015 at Burroughs

·         Good engagement

·         Many common concerns


Karen Hart updated the council on the work happening around development of a Tardy Policy.

·         Student engagement

·         Methods to increase parent awareness about the tardiness issue (& how it impacts the teachers and classrooms)

·         Pilot the new policy


The group discussed safety at drop off and dismissal times.  Agreement was reached that more work needs to be done to inform parents of safe behavior (e.g. use crosswalks when crossing the street) and parking options.

Recruitment will begin for 2015-16 Site Council members.


A topic for the next Site Council meeting (scheduled 4/28/2015) is:

·         Volunteer Coordinator role
