Site Council Minutes - January 27, 2015

Site Council Meeting Minutes

January 27, 2015

5 to 7pm

Jocelyn Frank provided an update on the Fall for Burroughs event.  In summary:

  • Total attendance was down (~70 people)
  • Venue costs slightly up (driven by the event occurring on a Saturday versus Friday evening)
  • Great Gathering sales down versus 2013.  There is still an opportunity to increase the revenue from Great Gathering events.  A note that includes upcoming available events will be included in the 2/3 Burroughs Bulletin.

Rachel Gustin provided an update on the 1/21 Area C meeting.  The Area C meeting focused on:

  • Superintendent Transition:
  1. Michael Gore, interim Superintendent, will be at the February Area C meeting (2/18)
  • School start and dismissal times:
  1. No major changes planned for 2015-2016
  2. Potential pilot in the fall
  • Student Based Allocation:
  1. Questions from attendees on the models and how they work.  Some schools working with a mock budget to figure this out.
  2. SBA will be a topic at the 2/18 Area C meeting

Joe Eskola provided a summary of the Engagement Survey completed by teachers 11/18/2013 to 11/26/2013.  The survey focused on parent volunteerism.  Survey trends:

  • Overall average of 40% parent participation rate in classroom volunteering
  • Field trip volunteerism need is high and almost always filled (95%)
  • Key theme of gratefulness for volunteers

There was a discussion on how to increase the volunteerism rate and also help facilitate that volunteers get utilized where needed the most.  An idea to add video links to volunteer activities (showing what the activity entails) was discussed.  This would require work on the site.  Also, there is a Volunteer Coordinator role on the PTA.  This person can be utilized to help assess/fill needs.    

Joe Eskola provided a summary of the Parent Survey sent in March 2014.  Survey trends:

  • Strong positive responses for reading and math programs
  • All Specialist areas rated high, particularly PE
  • Strong scores for classroom and school environment
  • Two areas receiving lower scores were class size and advanced learner/talent development program

Two key topics for the next Site Council meeting (scheduled 2/24/2015) are:

  • Safety at drop off and dismissal times (regarding traffic & people)
  • Decide key outcomes (as a Site Council) that we want to focus on for 2014-15 - All