Site Council Minutes - February 24th, 2015

Site Council Meeting Minutes

February 24, 2015

5 to 7pm

Amy Hasbargen provided an update on the Area C (held 2/18) and DPAC meetings.  In summary:

  • Interim Superintendent Michael Gore presented at both meetings.  Some of his main priorities include:
  1. Changing the culture at the central office
  2. Engaging authentically with families, students, etc…
  3. Creating achievable academic pathways for all students
  4. Expanding community partnership schools
  • No updates on school start and dismissal times
  • Budgets will be released on 3/6/15

Tim Cadotte presented the mid-year School Improvement Plan

  • Winter and Fall MAP scores were essentially the same (1% point overall lower in math)
  1. Flat test scores from fall to winter are a common theme each year
  2. Reason:  Some topics are covered at a different time (e.g. Burroughs curriculum includes Singapore Math, which has a different schedule than the standard Minneapolis math curriculum).  Therefore, students have not learned everything included in the January MAP test (topics will be covered in the spring).
  3. Spring MAP scores expected to show growth results
  • Great progress in the LLI program
  1. Projecting that 67% - 79% of the students in the program will reach grade level reading by the end of the school year
  2. The remaining students (not at grade level reading) will receive additional interventions
  3. Attendance
  4. Most extended absences are due to vacations
  5. Tardiness is an issue; will highlight the issue in an upcoming Burroughs Bulletin

Three topics for the next Site Council meeting (scheduled 3/24/2015) are:

  • Volunteer Coordinator role
  • Safety at drop off and dismissal times (regarding traffic & people)

Decide key outcomes (as a Site Council) that we want to focus on for 2014-15 - All
