Site Council Minutes - April 28, 2015

Site Council Meeting Minutes

April 28, 2015

5 to 7pm


Kelly Robbert led the conversation about 2015-2016 Site Council Members.  Key topics:

·       Three returning members:

o   Dave Keeper

o   Dena Anderson

o   Rachel Gustin

·       There are three open parent volunteer positions

·       A paragraph was included in the 4/21 Burroughs Bulletin seeking parent volunteers

o   Asked for responses by 5/1

o   A reminder will be included in the 5/5 Burroughs Bulletin

·       Next Steps:

o   Kelly will e-mail the candidate summary to the Site Council

o   A parent vote will be requested in the 5/14 Bulletin (voting to close on 5/21)

·       Staff members are confirmed by Tim Cadotte (the staff follows an application process)

Tim Cadotte reviewed the Site Council policy.  The group discussed ideas that would generate awareness of Site Council activities.  Ideas included:

·       Newsletter

·       A monthly Burroughs Bulletin feature

The group discussed meeting improvements for 2015-2016.  All agreed it would be beneficial to track topics that come up every year, e.g. what was discussed previously and what was the resolution/why did it not get resolved.

Kelly Robbert, Joe Eskola, Dena McDonald-Watschke, Steve Bieringer, and Amy Hasbargen will be missed (Site Council terms are complete).
