Site Council Meeting Minutes - October 22, 2013


Burroughs Site Council Meeting Minutes

October 22, 2013

I.              Meeting began at 5:15 pm.

II.            School Improvement Plan


A.)  Assistant Principal, Karen Hart, showed the results from our most recent state assessment and all Site Council members were asked to sign and acknowledge her presentation.

B.)  The general assessment was that Burroughs did well with the Multiple Measure Rating.

C.)   Kelly Robbert asked how we can measure the success of climate control for teachers and if a bar for measurable success could be established?

D.)  As a group we decided highlighting these through a shortened and condensed version in the newsletter is a good idea (highlighting what’s really important to the short and long term goals of the school and how parents can become actively involved in making this happen).

III.         Silent Auction


A.)  The PTA gave an update as to the progress of the upcoming, annual, Silent Auction.

B.)  It was delivered that we have a good size committee to take on the event. Where additional help is needed is with the clean up and delivering of auction prizes

C.)   It was announced that a change to previous year’s auctions (where each classroom donated a themed basket) was no longer being done and that, single-item, larger-value items would replace that idea (with classroom families being asked to donate $10, each, for the purchase of these items). The PTA was looking




Burroughs Site Council Meeting Minutes

October 22, 2013


Silent Auction Continued…. for ideas on how to get the ‘word out’ and also find classroom ‘sponsors’ to spear-head each of the classroom’s donation campaigns.

D.)  Dena McDonald-Watschke suggested a small portion of the auction proceeds be ear-marked for Thanksgiving meals for families in need. The majority of the council and our PTA Rep felt keeping the funds from the Silent Auction directed at the Burroughs Fund separate from our existing charitable fundraising was the best approach.

E.)   Principal Tim Cadotte, asked for input on his fundraising that takes place at the auction as well. This year his goal was to raise money for new playground equipment/space. It was decided, after a lot of input, that a committee should be formed (with Steve Bieringer agreeing to be on it).

IV.          Latino/Green Community Representative


A.)   We haven’t heard from last year’s representative so, if we haven’t by next meeting, we will discuss a replacement.

V.            Volunteering Initiative for Calendar Year


A.)   PTA President, Katie Lervisk, and Site Council Co-Chair Kelly Robbert are leading a joint effort on assessing the needs of our staff and also our PTA.  Katie said they are waiting to get back the ‘Teacher Evaluations of Resource Needs’, and then we can evaluate the needs, potential resources and solutions. Kelly said the goal is, to use these assessments to determine if there is a gap in volunteering needs. If so she would like to use our idea/resources, to ‘bridge that gap.’.

B.)   Katie indicated that the PTA programs are currently well staffed with volunteers (‘School Grounds Clean-Up Day’ was mentioned as one program requiring additional help).

7:04pm - Meeting adjourned
