Site Council Meeting Minutes - April 30, 2013

Tuesday, April 30 Site Council Meeting
Beth Alvarez
Frank Catchings Jr.
Janel McGreevy
Julie Blossey
Melissa Panszi Riebe
Mike Hatting
Penny Cierzan
Rose Gebhart
Slats Fairbanks
Steve Bieringer
Therese Mooney
Tim Cadotte
Dave Keepper
Amy Marquardt
1. Nominating Committee:
Action item (Dave Keeper)
- Need to determine how to gain more than 100 responses (i,e, Survey Monkey)
- Share with Burroughs Community and ask people to vote
2. End of the year Site Council potluck… Kelly confirming date in May with Council
3. Reviewed 2013/14 budget
4.     Discussed option to join Area C group described by Melissa. Melissa will be sending contact information. Steve, Mike, Dave and Kelly expressed interest