Site Council Meeting Minutes -- October 2, 2012


Agenda Item
Action Being Taken
Silent Auction Update
Amy Hasbargen, SA Committee Chair, offered an update on the Silent Auction Event being held on November 9. We brainstormed options for boosting auction donations as well as attendance.
Amy also promoted the Wine Party being hosted on October 14.
- Looking into a iPad Cart as the Fund a Need.
- Researching options to produce a limited number of ‘Oak Tree’ reproductions to be auctioned off.
- Sending the Wine Party details to Site Council Members
Council Membership
- Reviewed current council membership and identified the need for additional Teacher, Community and Green Central area members.
Members enjoyed a wonderful dinner provided by Tim and Slats. Members also signed up for the remaining meeting dinners.
- Looking into inviting someone from the Police or Fire departments who work in the Burroughs community.
- Requesting membership from another Burroughs teacher.
- Requesting membership from a Green Central area member.
- Site Council ‘Dinner Hosts’ will be added to our section on the website for our reference.
Site Council web page content
We discussed the need to update the Site Council section of the Burroughs Website. Updating includes all content as well as the addition of a description of the Site Council purpose and how we partner with and differ from the PTA.
- Mike is working on getting access to make those changes.
- As Secretary Kelly will help to shape the content and maintain it long term.
Reviewed Site Council Bylaws
Members were provided with a copy of the Site Council Bylaws.
- Upon reviewing, members are asked to send any feedback or requests for changes to Mike C.
Parent Concerns
We discussed ways in which parent and teacher concerns reach the Site Council radar and the types of concerns that are in scope for our influence.
- Dismissal, especially related to Fifth grade, was discussed as a continued opportunity for improvement.
- The option of releasing students without connecting with the person they are leaving with was discussed. For security reasons it was agreed the current policy of confirming each child is dismissed to the person they should be (eye contact, conversation, etc) will continue.
- Using data from a parent/teacher survey as well as a ‘family portrait’ of Burroughs students may help in identifying and prioritizing Site Council decision making and action. A small group will meet between now and our next meeting to define this option further and share with the Council at our next meeting.
- The Burroughs Community will benefit from increasing parent awareness of how what may be viewed as “small ‘me’ moments” contribute to distractions and inefficiencies for teachers and students. A “Did you know” feature in the Newsletter is being drafted to help with this.
Principal Update
Tim provided a detailed view of Burroughs class size by grade compared to target class size.
While the reality of increasing class size results is policy and procedure decisions to be discussed among the Site Council, actually reducing class size is not what we have control over.

