Site Council Meeting Minutes -- November 27, 2012

- A warm welcome to Casidy Anderson our new Community Site Council Representative. Casidy is with the Minneapolis Fire Department and graciously offered her expertise as well as assisting in connecting us with her network of community partners (i.e. police)
- We reviewed the Pick Up & Drop Off document authored by Tim. Minor edits were discussed and the revised version will be published on the Burroughs website.
- We received an update on the Teacher Evaluation Tripod Assessment currently in progress. The links below provide answers to many of the questions we raised.
Overview of the Assessment:
Assessment Questions (under 'Student Surveys'):
- Kindergarten Tours are starting up... pass the word out to family and friends!
- Thank you Mr. Fairbank's! Prints of Embracing All Seasons raised nearly $1,000!
- The sub-committee discussing the opportunity to add some parent and staff survey questions to this year's Site Council Survey gained input from the group on meaningful questions we could ask. So far they are in the areas of safety & fundraising. Beth, Kelly and Dave will bring to the next meeting some recommended questions for the survey.
- Melissa provided a great overview doc to clarify the roles of PTA and Site Council
- We received an update from Amy Hasbargen on the success of the Silent Auction. In short, Great Gatherings proved to be the strongest source of revenue. Any ideas on driving attendance/participation next year are welcomed by Amy.
- We discussed the scheduling of fundraising efforts as well as our approach to fundraising in general. It has been added to our agenda for the next meeting to continue those discussions. Specifically, balancing the schedule of fundraising events and learning more about how parents feel about fundraising in general.
- There is no Site Council Meeting in December.