Site Council Meeting Minutes -- January 29, 2013

Site Council Meeting Minutes - January 29, 2013
Principal Update
  • Office is reemphasizing the importance of following the attendance policy
  • Recent errors in report cards have been rectified. Parents will receive phone calls and an updated report card soon.
  • Eric Simpkins & students in the ELL program are coordinating the creation of another mural in the Green Central neighborhood. Any interested students can be involved.
  • Discussed upcoming events including Read-a-thon, Deep Portage trip, Math competition, 5th grade choir at the Capital rotunda
School Safety Discussion
  • Reviewed existing school emergency plans
  • MPS has earmarked Burroughs for more security cameras. Cameras will likely be installed over summer when the floors on 2nd and 3rd level are replaced.
  • Discussed ideas to emphasize the importance of parents taking an active roll in school safety by following all sign-in procedures:
  1. Improving visibility of signage in lobby to funnel all traffic to front office
  2. Modifying verbage on lobby signage to encourage parents to follow check-in procedures (e.g. “For the safety of students and staff you must check-in at office”)
  3. Installing sign at entrance intercom buzzer reminding parents to check in at office.
  4. Looking into methods to make Volunteers more aware of lockdown procedures
  • Following up with the Safety Coordinator for the district to discuss district-wide best practices for school safety and specific safety enhancements that can be made at Burroughs. Including:
  1. Installing leave-open alarms on all outside doors
  2. Installing a “lockdown” mechanism for firedoors doors
After School Programs
  • Discussed ideas on how the school community can help alleviate some of the burden placed on administration, staff and volunteers to coordinate and manage after-school programs.
  • Discussed the possibility of a dedicated After School Program coordinator.
Budget Committee
  • The committee will meet in mid-to-end of March
  • Mike Hatting agreed to be the parent representative from Site Council
  • Will have a draft of the parent survey ready for February SC meeting