Site Council Meeting Minutes -- February 4th, 2014


Site Council Meeting Minutes                                                       
Feb 4, 2014 [Rescheduled from 1/28]


Volunteer Program Assessment

-     Katie Lervick and Kelly Robbert assessed the strength of the PTA Volunteer Programs and Burroughs and found them to be in good shape as it relates to volunteer engagement.

-     Teachers were surveyed to get a sense for how strong they feel parent volunteer engagement is in the classroom. Results of this survey were shared and discussed at the meeting.

-     Karen Hart and Kelly Robbert attended a demo of the District Online Volunteer Site and shared their feedback; in short, that solution may not be a good fit for Burroughs. Streamlining what we have may be a better approach.


2014-2015 Budgeting

We began efforts to get ready for the 2014-15 budgeting process. Amy Marquardt was elected as Budget Representative from the Site Council.

Pro-active communication from Parent Leadership of PTA and Site Council was discussed.  The need to collaborate with Area C schools is agreed upon.



We still need representation from the Green Zone as well as Community representation
