Site Council Meeting Minutes -- February 28, 2012

Present at the meeting:
Tim Cadotte
Angela Shifrin
Mike Cronin
Mike Hatting
Mike Kuehn
Amy Marquardt
Slats Fairbanks
Melissa Harritt
Dave Keepper
Janel  McGreevey
Eric Simpkins
Beth Alvarez
Parent Survey
Prepared by Mike Cronin.  Will be accessible to parents on-line through Survey Monkey prior to budget committee meetings.  The survey will go out in Spanish too.
Staff Survey
Jake Knaus will prepare a staff survey prior to budget committee meetings.
Budget Committee
Budget committee meetings are half a day on March 15th and a full day on March 16th.  On March 19th
the budget is presented to the staff and on March 20th  at 5 p.m. there will be a special Site Council meeting to vote on the budget. 
Amy Marquardt will be the parent representative at the budget committee meetings.
2nd grade assessment
Testing completed soon to identify students who are talented and in which areas.  Results
will be available to parents.
Ramsey Middle School
On March 8th  there will be a meeting at Burroughs for all parents who have signed up to volunteer at Ramsey.
Angela Shifrin mentioned an educational video on the Apple website about how
schools are using iPads.   Burroughs will be receiving 30 iPads and then buying two more for classroom use.