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Personal Belonging Pick Up Information
Tuesday, June 2, 2020 2:45 PM

K-4 Students

We are requesting that families only come to their scheduled pick up time if they have received an email from their teacher indicating that there are items to be picked up. Teachers have bagged up any items that belong to students in individual bags and have labeled each bag with the student's name. Due to current social distancing and safety measures, teachers will email families if there is something to pick up. If you DID NOT receive an email by Friday, May 29 at 4:00 pm, you DO NOT need to come to Burroughs.  

Fifth Grade Families

We would like to invite all fifth grade families to come to the school. Fifth grade teachers will be there to help distribute items to students, including their t-shirt, certificates, CD of the student slideshow, yard sign, and any other items left behind. Fifth grade families WILL NOT be receiving an email from their teachers. All fifth graders can drive up with their families to see their teachers (from the car window, please do not get out of your vehicle) and receive their items.  

Important details:

  • Please do not bring back devices received from the district.  Those are meant to be kept over the summer and more direction will be given over the summer.
  • Fourth and Fifth grade band and orchestra students should bring their instruments at their scheduled pick up time.  Please have the instrument in the trunk of your vehicle so that we can take it when we place the bag of belongings in your trunk.  Instruments will be collected, sanitized and repaired over the summer.
  • If yearbooks are in, they will only be given to fifth graders.  The rest of the yearbooks will be distributed when students return to the building in the fall.
  • Lost and found items will not be out and available.  Families will be able to look through lost and found when students return in the fall.
  • Fifth graders and any other students who will not be returning Burroughs next school year should bring any Burroughs owned items to their scheduled pick up.  Please have these items bagged and in your trunk for easy and safe transfer of items.

Pick-Up Schedule:

If you are a family member of a fifth grader or a K-4 family who has received an email that you should come to Burroughs, please follow the below schedule.  

Come to the drop-off/pick up circle and staff will be outside with items.  Please do not get out of your vehicle.  If possible, display a sign with student's last name and room number. We will place the items in your trunk or back seat of your vehicle for you.


Wednesday, June 3

8 am - 11 am, Kindergarten families 

12 pm - 3 pm, Fifth grade families


Thursday, June 4

8 am - 11 am, First grade families             

12 pm - 3 pm, Second grade families


Friday, June 5

8 am - 11 am, Third grade families         

12 pm - 3 pm, Fourth grade families


See next article for information about Read-A-Thon prize pick up. Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we do our best to get students and families the items they need in a safe and efficient manner.
