Site Council Minutes - October 7, 2014


Site Council Meeting Minutes                                                                  

October 7, 2014

5-7 PM


Welcomed New Members!


-       Meg Bertas

-       Rachel Gustin

-       Dena Anderson

-       Anna Kovalchuck

-       Alyssa Kuhlman

-       Bret Nielsen


-       Burroughs SC Alumni and 2014-15 Co-Chair, Dave Keepper

-       New PTA President, Amy Hasbargen


Kelly Robbert provided an overview of the Burroughs Site Council; purpose and partnerships


Tim Cadotte reviewed the School Improvement Plan with members who then signed the plan indicating approval.


Regina Folken and Jocelyn Frank provided an update on the 2014 Silent Auction. Per tradition, SC members will volunteer for the event. The update highlighted changes taking place this year relative to mobile bidding, event scheduling, awareness of complimentary entry tickets to those requesting assistance and the need to raise the price from 30-35 to break even on ticket sales. Price has not increased in 3 years.


Tim gained Site Council input on this year’s Fund a Need and will be connecting with the staff to learn more. An idea presented that did get a lot of attention was the need to boost the quality of the book collections in the classroom and library.


Dave Keepper provided an Area C Update which focused on the fact that transparency was highlighted as a key focus by the district this year as well as the topic of weighted funding.  Kelly Robbert will be engaging our Area C Rep (Tracine A) for answers to key questions, like staff to student ratio, measuring teacher satisfaction etc.  Also, how we can best partner with Tracine.  As a Council attendance at as many Area C meetings as possible is a goal.


Beth Alvarez and Karen Hart provided an update on the BRAVE program being piloted at Burroughs. BRAVE is aimed at providing children with the skills necessary to successfully manage their feelings, relationships and overall striving to be positive to themselves and one another. Early feedback already indicates teachers participating in this pilot see positive change in how students resolve conflict with one another.


Dena Anderson volunteered to serve as Secretary this year. Thank you, Dena


Next meeting:

-       We want to discuss the food service changes we have heard about; specifically, the potential for food to need to be prepared on site as opposed to packaged food delivered as it is today.

-       Site Council Bylaw review

