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Note from the Principal
Tuesday, June 2, 2020 2:55 PM

Dear Families,

My last note of the school year comes during such a heavy time. What a contrast to our past experiences with the end of a school year. Usually we are in full celebration mode at this time of year.

Last week was an extremely emotional and difficult week. Between the killing of George Floyd, the subsequent protests and riots, and the continued strain of the COVID-19 situation, this is a time that we will never forget. 

We will do our best this week to provide opportunities for optimistic closure amidst the circumstances. I hope that despite all that is happening your children are able to find some hope, joy, and positivity as they interact with their teachers and classmates throughout the week. As we look ahead to next school year, we do not yet know what school will look like and I assure you that as soon as we have information we will inform families.

I continue to learn so much each year, and I am honored for the opportunity to get to know Burroughs students, families, and staff on a deeper level as each year passes.  I look forward to our continued partnership next year, whether it be in person or in distance, and wish you all an amazing summer!  Thank you for sharing your beautiful children with us every day!

Please see the important announcements below.  If you have any questions at all please feel free to reach out to me by email, or call me at 612-814-3514.

Be well,


Ana Bartl                                                                             

