Expectations of 5th grade- room 320


1.  Work Hard

      Effort creates ability.  Working hard is a great ‘habit of mind’ that will carry

      you far in fifth grade and life.


2.  Have fun

      ‘Ya gotta have a little fun now and then!’  and you can actually learn more

      when you and your classmates’ are relaxed.


 3.  Build relationships

      Build positive relationships with as many classmates and adults as you can.    

      We can go farther when we support each other and   

      when we know we can trust one another to support us.  


 4.  Make mistakes  

      Although we think of  mistakes as wrong, In this class we will mark your   

      mistakes as learning steps. I encourage you to take risks and seek out

      information beyond what you think may or may not be right.  To be right is   

      hardly the end goal. Rather, the pursuit of  greater understanding while       

      exercising all of your options within a moral and ethical framework.  


5.  Share

     We can learn a lot more when we share our understanding with our fellow

     classmates, and the greater community.  


6.  Choose your attitude

      Make a conscious effort to come to school to work hard, be positive, and be

      helpful to your classmates and teachers.


7.  Be critical

      We will learn the art of respectful critique, dialogue, and dialectics in our efforts to

     progress and get better.


8.  Organize

      We will practice organizing everything:  your books, homework, assignments,

      pencil boxes, time, a group of classmates and even your teacher if possible.  

      The more one is organized in the different facets of life, the greater the  

      opportunities there will be.


9.  Go beyond the walls of the classroom

     We have the unique opportunity to engage of an audience of over a million

     people and ask "What do you think of my work?"  Wow!      That is poweful.  

     We also have the responsibility to engage our surrounding community with

     our thoughts, concerns and learning outside the walls of room 320.


10.  Be independent 

       Being independent is fun and exciting, but with it comes responsibility that

       you need to demonstrate to the wise adults around you.  

