Third Grade Math Links

The third grade supplements our districtwide Investigations math curriculum with the programs of Singapore Math and Project M Cubed.  Below are some online activities that connect well with what students do in class.


The link in the above heading leads to page with many links of leveled math practice.  Your own fall or winter MAP math test scores can help you figure out where to begin.


  1. Using number lines helps you understand number grids.
  2. A number grid is an excellent tool to use to understand our amazing number system.  Get to know the 1 to 100 grid well, play Give the Dog a Bone
  3. You might also try an easier grid game called Count Along to 100.


  1. Model word problems the way we do with Singapore math.


  1. These base ten blocks can help you imagine two digit, three digit, or four digit numbers.  To really understand how grouping works in place value change how the system works.  Click Base=10 and CHANGE IT!  Then you can count the way we do in math class when we pretend to visit the Land of Treble where everything comes in threes.  If you can EXPLAIN out how the system works, you are a smart cookie.
  2. Practice rounding large numbers.  If you're good at this, you will be great at estimating tough problems!
  3. Can you say really big numbers?  Check this web page and try reading some tongue-twisting names for numbers.  If like big numbers you must check this out.
  4. How old are you exactly?  Click this link and you let the computer calculate it for you.  You'll be amazed!


  1. Your skills with the four operations depends on your power to visualize numbers.  Visualizing ten is most important.  Practice with pictures of ten and make ten your friend.
  2. Practice adding with the Partial Sums Method* and base ten blocks.
  3. Practice subtracting with the Trade First Method* also with blocks.  Remember, if you don't have enough blue ones to match the red ones, you will have to grab and break a blue ten.  You may also have to grab and break a blue hundred.   [*Kids in need of a super challenge are encouraged to click Create Problem, click Base=10 and change it!]
  4. For subtracting large numbers we teach the Trade First Method the most, but DECOMPOSITION is another way to try.
  5. Rectangle multiplication.  If you go to that web page you can quickly see the kind of arrays that we draw in grade three.  Arrays are help you see how multiplication works.
  6. Meteor Multiplication plays a lot like an old video game your parents may remember called Asteroids.  Practice your multiplication facts with this game.
  7. This Quick Flash game allows you to choose the multiplication facts with which you quiz yourself.
  8. Multiplication Mystery is a puzzle to solve on a multiplication table.  Watch what happens on the puzzle as you go and you will better understand "turn-arounds" and how the multiplication table works.
  9. Practice with this Partial Products Multiplication Game.
  10. Learning algorithms is still important.  Here are examples and videos of algorithms we use and here's more algorithm info for curious parents.
  11. Long division is a detailed procedure when working with bigger numbers, but it's easier when you remember all the moves.  Below are a couple helpers to remember the moves.  The first is a catchy song for DIVIDE, MULTIPLE, SUBTRACT, BRING DOWN.  The second is a presentation (pardon it's mention of fast food) that includes the letter C for CHECK YOUR WORK in the middle of the procedure.





  1. Review very basic linear measurement with while catching fish.
  2. Adam Ant.  Learn the basics for measuring perimeter from an ant.
  3. Learn what elapsed time is with a helpful explanation.
  4. Great challenge for reading a round clock quickly!
  5. Elapsed Time Matching Quiz.  This is challenging practice.
  6. Singapore math workbook 3B does a lot of work with metrics.  Learn many units of metric measurement.  Warning, very British.  Don't worry about how they spell meter as metre or liter as litre.
  7. Learn about weight and capacity.

FRACTIONS AND DECIMALS.  When you have a number between 0 and 1 it is written with fractions and decimals.  Also when you measure between two whole numbers like 12 and 13 you need to add a fraction or decimal to your whole number.

  1. Fractions on a number line is one way to fractions are used.
  2. Builder Ted is not too bright and he needs your help ordering numbers that including decimals.
  3. Decimal Detective is a tough and challenging game.  It is a bit like playing the number line squeeze game which you may have done in grades one or two.  You must find a decimal number hiding somewhere on the number line.
  4. Death to Decimals, sorry for the violent name.  However, in this game you're expected to know that decimals and fractions are related.  This game plays with a fourth grade skill.

NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE NUMBERS.  Negative numbers are less than zero.  Positive are greater than zero.

  1. Watch one video and a second video to learn about negative and positive numbers.
  2. Space Coupe to the Rescue game.  Join the Cyber Chase gang to get practice moving up and down on a number line with positive and negative numbers.

PROBABILITY(the mathematics of chance) AND HANDLING DATA

  1. Try the above game to learn how info from a simple survey can be collected in a chart and reported on a graph.
  2. Try the above game to practice figuring out median, mode, and mean in a set of numbers.
  3. With this spinner you can experiment with probability.  Design a multi-colored spinner the way you like it, give it more than a few spins, and watch the computer automatically graph your spin results.

This year we compare number systems to better understand our own base ten number system in Arabic numerals.

  1. This Roman numerals matching game is fun.  So is this Roman numeral sequencing game.  If you get really interested in Roman numerals you can always learn more.
  2. This year we learn about Egyptian numerals!  Notice it take two numerals to write "four" but one numeral to write "ten".
  3. We also look at look at Chinese numerals!  Notice again "ten" is written with one numeral.  We must always use two numerals to write a "ten".  In our number system "ten" is written with a 1 and a 0.


  1. Snowflakes have a special kind of symmetry.  Like hexagons (six-sided polygons) snowflakes have radial symmetry.
  2. Flat shapes in a 2D world can only move with slides, flips, and turns.  Practice handling 2D shapes with Damjammer.


Please pardon some of the vocals, but sing along!  Click the mp3s below for songs that can help your child with skip counting and multiplication.
